5 clients that hire a copywriter

Here at copywriters.ie, we have a number of different ‘typical clients’, and perhaps by showing you why our customers choose us, perhaps you will also see where we can help you.

Client 1 : Lost in content

We see clients who have 50-100+ pages on their website, and don’t know where to begin. How do they know what content is working for them ?

  • What content needs to be updated ?
  • What content can be removed ?
  • Is some content repeated unnecessarily on multiple pages ?

If you are someone who doesn’t know where to start to fixing your website, then you should allow our experience web copywriters fix your site and bring it up to date. Should you have analytics data we can use this to figure out what copy is working for you.

Client 2 : Can’t update

If you’ve had your website for a number of years, it’s possible that the content has become outdated. Our staff can go through your site, identify and perform changes. We also check all of your links, both internally and externally to make sure that these are still valid. It’s also possible that you no longer have the webmaster expertise to update this content on your team. Allow us to help !

Client 3 : No Expertise in writing

Small businesses often assign the task of copywriting to an intern, or tackle the topic in a quiet period. The text on your website should reflect your core message, it should be written in a voice that’s consistent for your business. You can’t afford to assign tasks that are this important to an un-skilled worker or to when you aren’t busy.

Fixing your copy should be on the top of your to-do list. Better copy means more people finding you, and more sales.

Client 4 : Lack of time

If you are running a business that sells or generates leads online, then it’s essential that you devote your time to improving this channel. Oftentimes we see that business owners are overwhelmed with their day to day work, that they don’t have the time to fix the content on their website. Our editors have expertise in logging into various Content Management Systems (CMS’s) and fixing issues and adding new content as you require.

Client 5 : Not sure what to do

If you don’t know what content should be on your website, we can also help and figure our a whole content strategy for you. If you are comfortable with writing yourself, but don’t know what exactly to write about, we can provide a list of titles, keywords you should try to integrate in your content.

We are here to help your business online and we realise your success is also our success.

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